Thursday, March 29, 2007

Energy & Health

The energy which maintains our life force is a subtle underlying force of energy which maintains a relative relationship with the field in which we exist and at the present time we exist within the field of our planet earth.

Most of our energy is derived from water, so the quality and quantity of the water we consume is of some importance to our survival, as the underlying energy level of water is extremely high.

Hydrogen has the highest energy potential of any known element, in relation to hydrogen having the highest ratio of energy per unit of mass for any known element.

In that water consists of both hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, the size of the water molecules being consumed is of some importance, as the smaller molecules have the higher ratio of energy per unit of mass. Also, the smaller molecules are more readily absorbed into the physical fabric of the body.

It is important to realize that energy, the underlying dynamic energy of universe, does not radiate. If it radiates its not energy.

Also, the underlying energy is non-resistant, which means an increase in energy affects a decrease in resistance to a further increase in energy. This is a very important point as the flow of energy is continuous and increasing.

The underlying energy is accelerating in terms of non-linear time field frequency acceleration, which allows for the continuous function of the body.

A static energy would not do the job, in fact without the factor of acceleration there would be insufficient energy to sustain the process of life.

To date we have not considered or acknowledged the existence of an underlying force of energy, yet without it there would be no life and no universe. So when we talk about energy we are not usually talking about energy at all, but simply that which we perceive as energy in terms of learned information.

This makes it a bit difficult to cure illness and disease, as without knowing what is and is not energy we could be doing ourselves more harm than good.

In simple terms, energy is always focused within and never without. In other words energy flows in but does not flow out, its a one way street.

If we want to be healthy we must cover the basics first, drink lots of clean highly energized water, free of additives such as chlorine and fluoride etc.

Every atomic structure constituting the molecular structure of our cells exists as a unified field structure. Therefore the form and function of each cell is determined on the basis of a differential in the underlying energy of the atomic constituents involved, which makes for a very complex system of actions and reactions occurring on a continuous basis. Yet the actual dynamics involved are very simple.

Although there is a non-uniform relationship existing between each atomic structure it is the uniformity of the field in which we exist which is critical to our health.

Non-uniform distortions affecting the field in which we exist cause distortional effects to affect the form and function of our cells. This is why the intake of highly energized water is so important, as the higher energy can over-ride these distortional effects.

Today we are affected by many different sources of non-uniform distortions, not the least of which is directly linked to our cellphone technology. Over time we are literally enveloping the planet with a web of cellular transmissions in the form of very low frequency electromagnetic pollution. And despite the denial that this represents a hazard or a threat to human health and safety you can be assured that the effects are very real.

When are we going to wake up and smell the coffee, as we still do not acknowledge an underlying force of energy, which is essential to the form and function of all physical matter. Yet we are dependent upon this little known force for every aspect of our existence. Without we would not exist, life would not be possible.

There is much to consider and I suggest reading the 7 chapters of the book Unity, which is a free download at, (see link)

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