Monday, March 26, 2007

Psychic Connections

If you have a memory you have a psychic link to the past, as memory exists beyond the physical boundaries of the human brain.

So, if you can remember your own name, telephone number, email address etc. you are linked to the field in which you exist in terms of both past and future existing simultaneously to the present moment.

In fact we are all connected through the medium of the field in which we presently exist. This connects us to everyone, every event, every place and everything that constitutes universe.

In order to understand the underlying dynamics affecting our connection to both past and future I suggest reading the 7 chapters of the book Unity presented at

Every thought we manifest is simultaneously transmitted to every corner of the universe in an instantaneous manner. No, we are not alone, never have been and never will be.

Our brains are made up of neurological receptor relays which transmit and receive information on a continuous basis.

Of course this makes sense, because even our bodies are not restricted to the present moment. The physical format of the body is a continuance existing within the non-absolute present moment, a physical bridge connecting the past and future existence of our physical body.

There is no singular here and now static state in terms of the body, mind or spirit, all are dynamic and all are continuous.

The idea that we exist in a singular state with no connecting links to past and future is not beneficial or is it reasonable in light of the underlying dynamics responsible for the existence of universe and all that constitutes universe. I view such an idea as unhealthy and in direct opposition to nature.

The idea that our memories are somehow encoded into the fabric of our brains is neither reasonable or even realistic, as there is no medium or process by which such encoding should or could occur.

The past does not fade to black, it exists in a simultaneous state relative to the present moment. The past remains as real as the present and cannot be altered or deleted, but it is possible to block past memory by a variety of different means, which is beyond the scope of this article.

All of the psychic qualities known to us today are natural functions of a dynamic universe.

There is more of course, much more. We have barely scratched the surface in terms of understanding the dynamics of the human psyche, which is not all that surprising considering that we do not even understand what energy is.

The energy of universe is focused to the core. It does not radiate or can it be made to radiate, it travels in one direction only, to the core.

The body, mind and spirit are fueled by an underlying dynamic force of energy which is continuously increasing over time, in fact it is accelerating. So we work from high ground in the present relative to the past, which is why the past is so easily accessed.

Someone will say they are not psychic.......but yet they have access to their personal past in terms of real events and real issues. How else would they remember who they are or know how to do all the things they do on a regular basis. There is no data bank within the physical fabric of the brain, no hard drive, no roles of movie film, no DVDs, no photographs, no CDs or magnetic tape.

The field of the earth is a unified field of energy focused to the core of the earth. And the universe in which we exist is a dynamic condition of field remaining relative to the Earth.

Every human body exists as field condition, whereby the underlying dynamic energy of each body is slightly different, no two are exactly the same.

The idea of a continuance beyond death is not speculation, it's a fact.

The basic principles involved might well be considered secret science or secret knowledge, but the only reason they remain hidden as secrets is for the benefit of a few to control the activities and thoughts of the many. It's time for the truth to be known and the lies and deception to end.

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